The Humanities Building Administration has a strong conviction to improve the quality of its services, committing to:
1. To facilitate user access to the administrative information that affects them directly by:
- The constant updating of the Charter of Services.
- The timely dissemination of specific information for users in the most appropriate places (glass cases, video noticeboard, e-mails lists, noticeboards, webpage, student delegations, etc.)
- The personalised attention, reducing waiting times and making opening hours flexible at peak periods.
2. Encourage the use of new information technologies in order to bring the Administration to the users, facilitating and simplifying the procedures by:
- The availability of standardised forms on the webpage.
- The use of email for various procedures and enquiries.
3. Expedite and simplify administrative procedures of the Building Administration by:
- The preparation of documents and forms according to the Administrative Documents Standardisation Handbook of the ULPGC.
- Streamlining the procedures.
- Establishing maximum response times.
- Delivering usual academic certificate within two working days from the following day after the delivery of the application fee paid.
- Delivering certificates of residence within the following working day after the application.
- Publication of the mark books on the same day the lecturer signs them.
- Performing user requests as soon as possible.
4. Ensure the availability of facilities and the fulfilling of contractual obligations by the public concessionaires (cafeteria, cleaning service, reprographics centre, vending machines, etc.).
5. Encourage initiatives to improve the quality of services by:
- Providing alternative ways for users to submit suggestions and complaints.
- Conducting regular surveys in order to know the level of user satisfaction.
- The involvement of staff in the continuous improvement of management.